Conferences and Presentations
ISPCAN Workshop Presented in Bucharest Romania, September 28, 2015
The Matrix Outcome Model was presented the Family Development Matrix Outcomes Model at a conference in Bucharest, Romania.The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) invited the Matrix Outcomes Model to present the Family Development Matrix Outcomes Model in a workshop on September 28th in an International conference focused on preventing child abuse. The Conference was attended by 600 delegates from across the world in Bucharest, Romania.The powerpoint and materials described the FDM assessment and case management process and outcomes achieved from 2009- 2015.
Dublin, Ireland Presenation, September 15, 2013
A paper presented to the 2013 IPSCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect in Dublin, Ireland (PDF)The California Child Welfare system is confronting massive change in the way it does business. Child Welfare agencies and their non-profit partners, community-based Family Resource Agencies, have formed public/private partnerships to expand services to families considered at-risk for child abuse and neglect. A statewide assessment study using the Family Development Matrix (FDM) funded by the California Department Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) is built on a family assessment process with 140 Family Resource Centers (FRCs) in 23 county-based collaboratives and tribal communities. The purpose of the policy paper is to describe the early lessons learned from this standardized evaluation model described in the context of California public/private partnerships, with shared family outcomes designed with the foundational principles of strengths-based case management practice. Described is the FRC utilization of shared outcome measures, their protocol for conducting client assessments for early intervention, family directed empowerment planning and the subsequent measurement of family functioning. Evaluated results from 12,000 families demonstrate the impact of community based, collaborative public/private partnerships and the data suggests policy recommendations for the field of practice.
American Humane Association Differential Response, September 2012
The FDM Pathway project was highlighted at the American Humane Association's 7th annual Differential Response Conference in a three-hour presentation. Coordinators from Orange, San Francisco and Santa Barbara presented their evaluation data, discussed public/private partnerships between child welfare and family resource centers, and the important role the FDM has in demonstrating family outcomes. FDM staff presented data on the role of family engagement, Pathway interventions and the testing of a hypothesis for the theoretical premise of differential response. Participants at the seminar were engaged in discussions and commented on the magnitude of the data, the partnerships and the role for the FDM in early intervention at family and community levels.
- FDM/Pathway Project (PDF)
- FaCT Orange County (PDF)
- First 5 San Francisco (PDF)
- First 5 Santa Barbara (PDF)
First5 Santa Barbara Family Outcomes Report in Partnership with Santa Barbara County Department of Social Services, 2012
Family Development Matrix Report by the University of California, Santa Barbara (PDF)Results are displayed for the families who completed two FDM assessments—at intake and a first follow-up. In the second section results are shown for families who had three assessments. In the third section, we group the individual indicators into the four main categories they represent: Access to Services, Parenting, Basic Needs, and Emotional Health.
In this report, we indicate if a result was “statistically significant” or not. If a difference over time is statistically significant, that means it is unlikely to be due to chance, and more likely due to the services or interventions received. If it is not statistically significant, then it means that families are functioning about the same as they did at intake.
A presentation of outcome data from 90 California family resource agencies and tribal communities that are using the Family Development Matrix Outcomes Model for assessment, family empowerment, case management and outcomes reporting. These non-profit agencies and tribal communities in 15 counties are organized into collaborative networks and have developed prevention plan where the family workers assess outcomes across a core set of family functioning measures and practice common case management protocols. Workshop participants received a comprehensive outcomes data report including our theory of change with intervention impacts, case management and family participation analysis.
A Conference Focused on Prevention and the Pathway to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect at California State University, Monterey Bay 2008
What we have learned from prevention in the last 20 years (HTML)
Funded by the Office of Child Abuse Prevention this conference shared knowledge from two of our country’s most respected educators, researchers and program innovators, Lisbeth Schorr (Harvard University) and Larry W. Green (University of California, San Francisco). They presented their vision of prevention principles to stimulate program strategies and innovations, so you can apply them in your community.
Special workshops were created to present the work of leading research, policy and program designers who addressed issues of minority youth and over-representation, and goals of strengthening families and children, family economic success and community wellness, all areas that contribute to prevention.
Additionally, the Pathway to the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect developed at Harvard University by Vicky Marchand and Lisbeth Schorr was presented with goal-oriented workshops. These workshops provided goal-directed outcomes, researched practices and action ideas for developing program and countywide prevention plans.
The First Matrix Outcomes Model Conference at California State University Monterey Bay, 2005
Funded by the Office of Child Abuse Prevention the Institute for Community Collaborative Studies and fourteen organizations from across the country co-sponsored the event held at University Center at California State University Monterey Bay. Participants attended plenary and workshop sessions on the importance of using tools like the Matrix Outcomes Model with health and human service programs to develop program evaluation and case management models.
Programs from California, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Florida, Iowa, Maryland, Ohio, Arizona, Michigan, and Wyoming sent 139 participants to learn from current Matrix users how they improve services to clients and their families. Each of the programs the Institute “incubated” since 1997 presented their experience in designing outcomes for a variety of populations, shared their lessons and suggested recommendations for future applications. Their presentations included program outcomes, client population data, and the program and technological innovations they have created to improve services in their communities.