Pathway Goal 3

PROTECTIVE FACTOR: Concrete Support in Times of Need

  • 1.0 Work in partnership with Child Welfare
  • 1.1 Participate in multi-disciplinary teams to coordinate services
  • 1.2 Support family to advocate for child in school

1.0 Work in partnership with Child Welfare

State and county child welfare agencies implement “differential response” protocols to connect families that do not meet abuse or neglect criteria to community resources. Although the immediate risk of abuse or neglect is low, these families can likely benefit from supports and services. Child welfare agencies partner with community groups in neighborhoods that have a high concentration of families involved with the child welfare system, to make their services more effective and acceptable and to build a "community presence."

Contact CWS worker as needed by phone regarding any questions or concerns about a family that has been referred. Follow-through with CWS recommendations for service plan. As mandated reporter make additional reports when necessary. May make a home visit with CWS worker to “hand-off” family referrals when appropriate. Provide CWS with a disposition summary of client contact, referrals & follow through. Attend CWS Team Decision Meetings (TDM).
FDM Site: CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative

We offer the Front Porch Program, DR, where we receive referrals from CWS to offer our services to families that need to be informed and linked to community resources to prevent child abuse and neglect. We work in partnership with CWS. We have communication with the social workers in regards to contact info, reason for referrals, and follow up if workers ask us to.
FDM Site: Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We are mandated to assist families that are referred to us by the Differential Response Program. In case of a referral, the parents would receive services such as; Case Management, linkage to services, referral to services, home visitation, as well as assessments to determine the services needed by each specific client. We would also connect parents to Parenting and education classes.
FDM Site: Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Partnership with Local Front Porch project that implements Differential Response services by referring Path 1 families of children under the age of 5 for family/community support. Providing appropriate parenting classes and/or workshops that address family stressors and builds on parent’s strengths in such areas of effective communication, discipline, financial stability, child nurturing and prevention of child abuse and neglect. Not currently working and/or providing agency support with children directly involved with CWS.
FDM Site: Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We participate in the Front Porch Differential Response Program with CALM and CWS. The Family Services Coordinator receives Path 1 and Path 2 referrals and assigns to staff as appropriate. Staff utilizes a myriad of outreach efforts to connect with and engage these families.
FDM Site: Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Work together with County Child Welfare Services, Front Porch and Santa Maria Youth and Family to receive referrals for families who do not meet abuse or neglect criteria. We also meet on a bimonthly basis to coordinate services.
FDM Site: Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Provide support for parents in court system; referrals for legal advice to Legal Aid and Domestic Violence Solutions; referrals to Child Welfare Services and local child abuse prevention agency (CALM). Receive and support families referred through Differential Response and County / community-based social workers.
FDM Site: Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We provide Case Management and linkages and referral services for clients referred to our agency by the Community Action Commission’s Differential Response Program and by the Department of Social Services Child Abuse and Neglect Program. We conduct Home Visitation and perform assessments to determine the services needed by each specific client that is referred. We connect parents to Parenting Skills Education as needed.
FDM Sites: Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

DR referrals are given priority and immediate contact is established FRC’s can reduce anxiety with CWS involvement and clients may be more willing to attend groups and receive services Staff provide translation and transportation services Address basic needs issues to reduce anxiety and increase coping mechanisms
FDM Site: Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Conduct Supervised Visitations. Work with Family Law and the Siskiyou County Courts. We work directly with CPS and Child Welfare. We also provide meeting areas for Child Welfare Agencies.
FDM Site: Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

In the past FRC Network through partnership with CSC had a developed system to host Path One differential response support to families within the FRC communities. However the funding for this project sunset. Currently FRCs provide informal support to many families which would be considered “path one” in the child welfare system
FDM Site: First 5, Siskiyou Collaborative

Differential Response Path 1/Path 2 Substance abuse assessments Peer parents Enhanced visitation - Team Decision Making- Domestic Violence - Child Trauma Research Project Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse Resource Center (CASARC) - Benefits Assistance – Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) meetings - Case Management - Family Conferencing- Truancy Assessment and Referral Center (TARC) - Participation in access, development, and implementation of IEPs - New beginnings- Evidenced based practice – Triple P, IY, 123 magic, EBP, PIPE - HSA workgroups classes
FDM Site(s): Based on Focus Group Discussion with 10 participants representing the following agencies: Western Addition FRC, Portrero Hill FRC, Epiphany Center, IFR/CARECEN, APA, Homeless Prenatal Program, Good Samaritan FRC, OMI FRC, Bayview TLC FRC, San Francisco Collaborative

The FRC has a great relationship with CPS…to the extent that a CPS worker came to the Resource Center and asked them to try to communicate with a family that the worker couldn’t get very far with.
FDM Site: HUB Family Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

Corbin FRC was selected as one of the first Differential Response sites in Orange County. We have a close relationship with County Senior Social Workers who attend our weekly Case Management Team (CMT) meetings and participate with Corbin staff to address, as a team, important recommendations to assist clients. FA and DRFA maintain communication with referring SSA workers about clients’ follow through with services and client’s needs. Information and Referral Specialist and Corbin Staff submit feedback to referring PARTY. The Corbin FRC Coordinator and staff regularly attend County trainings and meetings as well as participate in entering and reporting data to SSA, FaCT and other County programs. FA/DR FA assesses family’s safety and, if needed, will file a child abuse report and/or contact Santa Ana Police Department.
FDM Site: Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative

1.1 Participate in multi-disciplinary teams to coordinate services

Family Support Workers collaborate through joint training and team consultation with participants from governmental, academic, and community-based settings. Establish strength-based, individualized, family-oriented solutions based on an understanding of family strengths, needs and circumstances. Action plans clearly delineate roles and responsibilities and establish mechanisms for on-going communication and coordination.

Keep close communication with CWS workers who send us the referrals for Front Porch, FRCs in Santa Ynez, Guadalupe, Lompoc and Santa Maria. We attend joint agency trainings where we have the opportunity to network with other agencies to collaborate with services.
FDM Site: CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Keep close communication with CWS workers who send us the referrals for Front Porch, FRCs in Santa Ynez, Guadalupe, Lompoc and Santa Maria. We attend joint agency trainings where we have the opportunity to network with other agencies to collaborate with services.
FDM Site: Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We are part of The Network of Family Resource Centers of the SBC area. We attend several of joint agency trainings to assist us in keeping current with our collaborative partners throughout the county as well as within our community. We collaborate throughout the County with different agencies. We attend training and meetings with participants from governmental, academic, and community based settings.
FDM Site: Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Participate in County’s Front Porch Project in obtaining Path 1 referrals through the Differential Response Project First Five and participate in collaboration trainings as offered in connection with our Local CWS collaboration. Connect and/or enrolling parents in community linkages of parenting education, mental health counseling and community support groups that may assist in strengthening areas of concerns of family’s engagement with their children.
FDM Site: Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Our program staff participates in many multi-disciplinary team meetings to coordinate services. Other agencies and programs we actively meet with on a regular basis include: The Santa Barbara School District, The County Education Office, Carpinteria Unified School District, CALM, CAC, CWS, Diabetes Resource Center, Children’s Health Access Resource Team and Dental Access Resource Team.
FDM Site: Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Meet together bimonthly with Network of Family Resource Centers, Santa Maria Youth and Family, and CWS in order to keep ongoing communication and coordinate services. In addition, caseworkers meet on a biweekly basis to review challenging cases, share successes, and new resources or newly discovered resources and offer suggestions as to how to help overcome challenges.
FDM Site: Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Participate in joint meetings and site visits with CWS staff; distribute Network of FRC brochures to all appropriate county offices; member of Child Abuse Prevention Council, Child Care Planning Council and Network of FRC’s to coordinate services and facilitate referrals.
FDM Site: Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We attend several of joint agency trainings to assist us in keeping up communication with our collaborative partners throughout the county as well as within our community. We collaborate through joint training and meetings with participants from governmental, academic, and community based settings.
FDM Sites: Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Develop formal MOU’s with CWS and other community organizations to reduce recidivism rate of CWS referrals and coordinate services FSC’s participate in SST’s meetings School-based referrals to FRC’s are usually children with multiple risk factors including child abuse and neglect. PHP is a multi-programmatic organization where clients can avail themselves to wide range of services.
FDM Site: Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative

The follow-up that we receive back form Family Law or from CPS is not consistent. Attend several joint agency trainings to help keep up communication throughout the County.
FDM Site: Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

IEP and School Success Teams - Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse Resource Center (CASARC) Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meetings - Truancy Assessment and Referral Center (TARC) HSA Workgroups - Family Conferencing - Drug Dependency Court; - Safe Start - services for families affected by trauma - Hospital Collaborative meetings - Centering Pregnancy in partnership with SF General - Golden Gate Regional Center (GGRC) - Plaza Adelante Consortium Economic Development of Mission District - Community Resource Network DV Consortium - Homeless Shelter Networks - Attorneys/Court systems Chronicle Season of sharing Fund - Catholic Charities; - Collaborative Family Resource Center Networks (Asian Pacific Islander Family Resource Network, Chicano/Latino Family Resource System) Community Convener Initiatives - San Francisco Board of Supervisors District meetings New Beginnings
FDM Site(s): Based on Focus Group Discussion with 10 participants representing the following agencies: Western Addition FRC, Portrero Hill FRC, Epiphany Center, IFR/CARECEN, APA, Homeless Prenatal Program, Good Samaritan FRC, OMI FRC, Bayview TLC FRC, San Francisco Collaborative

A parent group at one of the schools collaborated with the Resource Center clothing drive (set up, brought clothes) Set up an outreach dance for the high school. Held a meeting with leadership team/student council at Dunsmuir high to recruit senior project volunteers for family game nights, etc.
FDM Site: Dunsmuir Kids’ Factory, Siskiyou Collaborative

Corbin FRC staff and a diverse team of collaborative partners (consisting of family advocates, mental health therapists, parent educators, health promotoras, domestic violence intervention specialists, public health nurse, school counselors, and County social workers) meet for weekly Case Management Team (CMT) meetings (Mondays.) During CMT meetings the teams discuss the needs of specific families and recommend services that can help the family, based on their particular circumstances. Clients are invited to attend and feel supported by the Case Management Team. FA/DRFA invites all their clients to participate at their case presentation at Case Management Teaming.
FDM Site: Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative

1.2 Support family to advocate for child in school

By establishing relationships with local school officials and staff family support workers help parents have better access to schools to support their children. Services may include translation of school documents, supporting parents in meetings with teachers or other school personnel, and helping parents navigate registration and participate in other school events

Coach parents in how to communicate and advocate for their children. Provide translation services. Accompany to school meetings. Obtain a release to discuss case with school counselor.
FDM Site: CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Advocate for parents when requested to translate as needed. Collaborated with school based FRCs.
FDM Site: Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We are available for translation when requested. We work with the school nurse on referrals as needed. We have resources available for parents to continue their education. ESL classes are offered in partnership with the Cuyama Christian Academy. A computer lab has been established for parents to access when taking online classes.
FDM Site: Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Provide advocacy and support services for parents in our local school programs. Participate in Kindergarten registration by providing Family support, Health and community linkages to parents. Participate in “Parents as Teachers Too” conference yearly. Advocate parents to participate and connect to their child’s local PTA/parent council groups. Participate in Summer Kinder camps for school readiness for children entering Kindergarten. Provide ASQ & ASQ’SE screenings for early identification of developmental needs with professional referrals in needed. Attend local State Preschool parenting meetings to inform parents of FRC and community programs being offered to support families.
FDM Site: Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Staff act as a liaison between the school, home and community. FRC’s are located on school grounds and at Children’s Centers making them accessible to families. All staff are bilingual and connect regularly with teachers attending teacher meetings, open houses, and Back to School Night. Staff engage in outreach activities to encourage parents to attend school events and activities.
FDM Site: Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Participate with local schools Student Study Teams and advocate on parents behalf, we distribute 1,200 newsletters of events to all of the students and families in the Guadalupe Union School District. We also participate at the Annual Kindergarten Roundup events, Back To School nights and translate forms and support parents referred by the school to receive access to services.
FDM Site: Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Participate in IEP’s with parents whenever requested; refer parents to Alpha Resource Center, Tri-County Regional and SBCEO Special Ed and facilitate support through translation, transportation and advocacy. Parent leadership / advocacy education classes through MALDEP and Abriendo Puertas.
FDM Site: Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We have consistent and regular involvement and staff present at all 19 of our local schools (Santa Maria Bonita School District). We distribute agency fliers and information on agency and community events and resources. We advocate for parents and/or the schools when requested at parent teacher conferences. We provide translation as needed and work closely with the ESL and Migrant Programs in our schools.
FDM Sites: Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

School-based FRC’s Participate in DELAC and ELAC meetings FSC’s role model for parents advocacy and assertiveness skills FSC’s inform parents about school systems and assist to navigate through them.
FDM Site: Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Have regular involvement with local schools. We distribute over 1000 calendar of events to all of the surrounding schools and preschools in our area. We participate in the “Kindergarten Round Up” activities. We advocate for parents or the school when requested at parent teacher conferences. We provide translation when needed and work closely with the ESL and Migrant Programs.
FDM Site: Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

Participation in IEP assessment, development, and implementation PTA meeting participation Parent Advocacy/Parent Leadership Workshops - School Readiness and Linking for School Success Workshops - Promotoras Community Educators Parent Advisory Councils - Case Management/school advocacy; - Assistance with school enrollment/registration and navigating the school district/school system - Translation assistance - Transportation/Fast passes - Truancy Assessment and Referral Center (TARC) - Assistance accessing child care/ out of school care subsidies - Assistance identifying and enrolling in alternative schools - Parent Committee - Assistance with school supplies.
FDM Site(s): Based on Focus Group Discussion with 10 participants representing the following agencies: Western Addition FRC, Portrero Hill FRC, Epiphany Center, IFR/CARECEN, APA, Homeless Prenatal Program, Good Samaritan FRC, OMI FRC, Bayview TLC FRC, San Francisco Collaborative

One worker went to school with a parent to advocate for her son, and explained that their presence helped the teachers to not be overly reactive. The FRC newsletter goes to the schools. The FRC gets referrals from the schools for families who need clothing or food, and who have behavioral issues in which they need an advocate.
FDM Site: HUB Family Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

Corbin FRC has a strong partnership with Santa Ana Unified School District and Corbin staff advocate for clients in school meetings. For example, Student Absent Review Board, School District Review Board Hearing, assist in teaching clients how to better communication between student, teacher and Principals. FRC staff informs clients of the importance of being aware of their students’ educational rights, reading a child’s report card and participating in school events. The Differential Response in-home parent educator assists parents in understanding school documents and provides written materials to parents on how to advocate for their children in school settings. The parent educator also makes phone calls to advocate for parents that have a difficult time with the English language. FA/DRFA will invite school staff to participate in families’ Case Management Teaming presentations.
FDM Site: Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative

Contributing Agencies:

  • CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborativev
  • Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Western Addition FRC
  • Portrero Hill FRC
  • Epiphany Center
  • APA
  • Homeless Prenatal Program
  • Good Samaritan FRC
  • Bayview TLC FRC, San Francisco Collaborative
  • First 5, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • HUB Family Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Dunsmuir Kids’ Factory, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Happy Camp Family Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Yreka Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative