Pathway Goal 4

PROTECTIVE FACTOR: Parental Resilience

  • 1.0 Connect to weekly group meetings for parents and children
  • 1.1 Provide linkages to remove barriers to mental health and substance abuse services
  • 1.2 Provide transportation to access medical, counseling appointments as needed

1.0 Connect to weekly group meetings for parents and children

A family or its members are connected to therapy, outpatient and/or residential treatment services for substance abuse and mental illness. Counseling and supportive services improve family and child health and well-being.

Provide list of AA/AlAnon/MA meetings in English or Spanish within the community. Connect to Project Recovery for mothers; Recovery Road for underlying mental health issues; to Zona Seca or anger management; to Full Spectrum Recovery for moderation. Encourage participation in church sponsored groups like Celebrate Recovery.
FDM Site: CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Provide information and referrals to Mental Health Services, Access Team, Alano Club, Zona Zeca, Coast Valley Treatment Center and Charles Golodner Counseling Group for counseling services.
FDM Site: Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara Collaborative

If a parent comes to us in need of services in this area, the parent is linked to outside services available to them. If parenting classes is the need, they are referred to parenting classes offered here at the FRC through CALM. CALM is also available to families for individual services if needed.
FDM Site: Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Provide parents with community agency linkages of family support programs through information and referral or case management services. FRC counseling services are conducted as needed for families and assistance in locating, obtaining and scheduling medical/dental appointments are provided by family advocates. Health workshops are provided in areas of nutrition, substance abuse, smoke-free and dental prevention on an ongoing basis at the FRC.
FDM Site: Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

As resource experts staff is familiar with resources available in the community related to the treatment of mental illness and substance abuse. Carpinteria Family Advocates participate in weekly meetings with counselors representing various programs to effectively link families to the most appropriate community program.
FDM Site: Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Provide on-site counseling services to parents and children. We also offer two different 30 week in home parenting education courses through Santa Maria Youth and Family and Community Action Commission.
FDM Site: Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Parent classes offered throughout the year including two 10-week series using Incredible Years curriculum, and a 10-week series in Life Skills. Refer parents to other community sponsored parents groups. Refer parents to Council Alcohol & Drug Abuse, AA and Domestic Violence Solutions, etc. Provide in-house counseling for community families
FDM Site: Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We connect families to local agencies that offer dinner and/or childcare for all classes offered in our community.
FDM Sites: Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Referrals made to PHP’s Early Childhood Mental Health Counselor.
FDM Site: Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Provide several different classes to families. We have a 12 week Family Based Relapse Prevention Class. We offer dinner and childcare for all classes we offer.
FDM Site: Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

Support Groups particularly those that bring parents together around common issues and experience (maternal depression, domestic violence, anger management, substance abuse) NA/AA/Al-anon/Alateen support groups - Maternal depression group - DV groups Referral to inpatient and outpatient treatments; - Therapist on site - Services and supports by Early Childhood Mental Health consultants (supervision, co facilitation, staff coaching, case consultation) - Case Management - CTRP (Center for Trauma Response, Recovery and Preparedness) Collaborative - Crisis Intervention - Transitional Housing
FDM Site(s): Based on Focus Group Discussion with 10 participants representing the following agencies: Western Addition FRC, Portrero Hill FRC, Epiphany Center, IFR/CARECEN, APA, Homeless Prenatal Program, Good Samaritan FRC, OMI FRC, Bayview TLC FRC, San Francisco Collaborative

The Family Advocate or DR Family Advocate refer families to OC Bar Foundation’s Short Stop of Addiction program that consists of an assessment with Parent and Child, and 3 session program where they are walked through the legal system and teach them about the consequences to drug and alcohol use. FA/ DR FA also refer families to AA, Alanon, La Familia, and Phoenix House for substance abuse issues. FA/ DR FA give families contact number to OC Mental Health for mental illness assessment and treatment. FA/ DRFA will give clients information on Suicide hotline as needed and will report into authorities if Client presents ideation of suicide.
FDM Site: Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative

Substance abuse family based relapse prevention classes, where it’s encouraged that a family member attend with the person. This is an outpatient support service that is much needed and well liked.
FDM Site: Yreka Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

1.1 Provide linkages to remove barriers to mental health and substance abuse services

Service providers reach family members with resources, including direct access to supportive services. Services should validate participants’ feelings, emphasize accomplishment based self-esteem, and offer intensive parenting and prevention education, as well as support for new parents. Systems and institutions that encounter families, including those that deal with public health, mental health, homelessness, domestic violence, law enforcement, and judicial review, coordinate care over time. They address the withdrawal effects for parents who stop using alcohol or other drugs and may experience intense emotions which can increase the chance of child abuse or neglect.

Advocate for clients and assist clients in accessing services. Provide education & emotional support in order to minimize feelings of isolation and shame. Utilize educational handouts, brochures or videos when applicable. Refer to appropriate mental health services in the community like ADMHS/ CARES, Children Services, low-cost counseling centers, SAFTY, and pastoral counseling.
FDM Site: CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative

We make in house referrals to our Safe Care Program which addresses family issues that involve three core safe care components: Child Health, Home Safety, and Parent Child Interaction. And the TAPP Program which is a teen pregnancy prevention program. We collaborate with other community agencies by making referrals to parenting programs. Care-Net Pregnancy and Resource Center-Earn While You Learn Parenting Program, with each parenting session parents complete they earn credits for baby supplies. CALM- Great Beginnings Program which focus on the well-being, health, social-emotional, and cognitive development of children prenatally through five years of age. They serve entire families if they have victim witness program funding. We also refer to Family Resource Centers like Dorothy Jackson and Santa Maria Healthy Start. They offer parenting classes, and we provide transportation as needed to the parenting class appointments. Provide information and referrals to Domestic Violence Solutions, Legal Aid, Family Law Facilitator, and Victim Witness Program. We provide transportation to clients that need it in order to access these services.
FDM Site: Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara

We provide information and link clients to Rehab Centers and refer people as needed. We provide a variety of options to people who would otherwise think there are none available to them. We ensure that everyone has access to all of the same services whether it is through our Family Resource Center or other local or county agencies.
FDM Site: Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Referrals are conducted to obtain mental health support and/or counseling through our FRC family counseling program. Information and linkages to community and county programs are provided through case management as needed by client that supports stability, isolation issues, substance abuse and emotional wellbeing in families. Parenting classes are being conducted that address areas of healthy child rearing, communication and discipline concerns. Workshops are also being provided with specific topics that address health, child nurturing and safety.
FDM Site: Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Staff is familiar with and able to connect families to various resources in our community that address needs related to mental health and substance abuse. Staff coordinates regularly with various program providers and co-facilitate sessions and or meetings to transition families from FRC services to mental health or substance abuse services.
FDM Site: Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

We have a collaboration with County Mental Health and therefore, refer and provide care coordination for children and their families who have a mental health diagnosis. At County Mental Health we advocate for services such as Therapeutic Response Aides, Therapeutic Behavior Services in the classroom, Counseling services, Psychiatry assistance, among other wrap around services.
FDM Site: Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Resource and referral provided to a wide range of services. Translation, transportation, advocacy and assistance with appointments provided. “Warm hand-off” with follow-up provided.
FDM Site: Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We provide information and link clients to Rehab Centers and refer people as needed. We provide a variety of options to people who would otherwise think there are none available to them. We ensure that everyone has access to all of the same services whether it is through our Family Resource Center or other local or county agencies.
FDM Sites: Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

PHP’s Counseling Program improves coordination of services and referrals to FRC staff PHP’s Santa Ynez Valley Drug Coalition promotes awareness about underage drinking and drug use and develops environmental strategies to curtail substance and drug use amongst youth. Participate in county-wide coalitions to identify needs and develop programs and services PHP’s CHART program enrolled MFT’s with substance abuse expertise to provide no or low cost counseling.
FDM Site: Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We have the MHSA Program available at all the FRC. We have information and links for Rehab Centers and send people for referrals. Our motto here is “Working Together Works” that means with our clients, volunteers, agencies etc. We provide options to people who sometimes think there are none. We make sure that everyone has access to all of the same services whether it is through MHSA, or the FRC.
FDM Site: Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

Siskiyou FRCs house the MHSA project thought this in community resource individuals can access mental health resources and support within the community Families have access to Family Based Relapse prevention classes at local FRCs Families have access to a minimum of 7 to 12 weeks of evidence based parenting education classes at each FRC Staff working with MHSA clients have extensive training and mentoring in working with the population served
FDM Site: First 5, Siskiyou Collaborative

Family Advocates work closely with mental health providers to coordinate services Support Groups particularly those that bring parents together around common issues and experience (maternal depression, domestic violence, anger management, substance) Safe start - services for families affected by trauma Work with Public Health Nurse Consultants Work with Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants Educational Workshops - mental health, gambling, and other addictions - Drug and alcohol services (outpatient) - Residential treatment Transitional housing - Homelessness collaborative - On-site Treatment
FDM Site(s): Based on Focus Group Discussion with 10 participants representing the following agencies: Western Addition FRC, Portrero Hill FRC, Epiphany Center, IFR/CARECEN, APA, Homeless Prenatal Program, Good Samaritan FRC, OMI FRC, Bayview TLC FRC, San Francisco Collaborative

The FRC provides Family-Based relapse Prevention classes. If a client is dual-diagnosed with substance abuse and mental health issue they can be served at the resource center.
FDM Site: Dunsmuir Kids’ Factory, Siskiyou Collaborative

FA/ DRFA present resources and services as an opportunity for the family to improve their relationship and communication with each other. Corbin staff encourages the entire family to participate in counseling, parenting and the other services the family is offered. FA/ DRFA print out for their clients to have information in order to identify different types of drugs, the effects, and what to do if they find these in their household
FDM Site: Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative

Mental Health Services Act, with a Personal Services Coordinator to provide case management services around housing, employment, and education. Resource and referral to other services we don’t provide, such as domestic violence,
FDM Site: Yreka Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

1.2 Provide transportation to access medical, counseling appointments as needed

Workers are able to help family member’s access services by providing transportation, particularly in rural areas or those where public agency services are not easily accessed by public transportation. Support might be in the form of bus passes, coordinating car pools or individual transportation.

May take to appointments on occasion as needed. Refer to Family Resource Centers. Arrange for Easy Lift van
FDM Site: CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative

We provide transportation for clients to access social services, medical and legal appointments. We have also provided bus passes to clients who have the need for them and transit schedule information.
FDM Site: Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We provide transportation on an as needed basis to clients. We assist clients in getting to medical, DSS and other appointments through education on utilization and schedule of transportation services available in the community. We assist parents with appointment scheduling and accessing local transportation to medical appointments.
FDM Site: Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Clients are linked and provided access to community transportation services. Linkages to county bus systems are provides for clients traveling outside of our community. We do not provide ongoing client transportation unless other client services are needed such as translation and/or advocate participation in the event is needed.
FDM Site: Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

As an agency it against our policy to directly provide transportation to families. Staff is familiar with community resources such as EZ Lift and work diligently to connect families to such services. Staff has provided families with education to navigate the public transportation system and translate directions to support families in getting to their destinations. Staff has supported families in obtaining discounted bus passes.
FDM Site: Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies) Santa Barbara Collaborative

We provide transportation to clients that have an open case. We help families get to medical, dental, legal and mental health appointments that we can. We provide bus tokens for clients that we cannot personally transport. We also do car- pooling to like services such as the Unity Shoppe in Santa Barbara.
FDM Site: Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

FDM Site: Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We provide transportation on a need basis to clients. We assist clients in getting to medical, public service and other appointments through education on utilization and schedule of transportation services available in the community. We assist parents with appointment scheduling and accessing local transportation to in and out of area medical appointments.
FDM Sites: Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Transportation services are available to case managed families to access medical, social, and legal “Under one Roof” Services – WIC, Medi-Cal, and WIC approved store, mental health providers, and Al-non group. Executive Director attends SBCAG specifically to address transportation in PHP’s service area Provide clients with bus tokens to access medical services
FDM Site: Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We provide transportation to clients that as we call it “partner” with us. We help people get to medical, legal and Public Service appointments that we can. We provide bus passes to MHSA clients that we cannot personally transport. We also do a great deal of carpooling to like services for several people.
FDM Site: Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

Community members who qualify for MHSA services can benefit from FRC transportation resources and individualized services • FRCs has some limited resources for non- qualifying families but in general find creative ways to meet the needs of community members
FDM Site: First 5, Siskiyou Collaborative

Transportation Tokens/Fast passes/Life Pass Company van, Taxi vouchers Information about transportation resources existing within city and/or linked to community services (i.e. medical vans, mobile clinics, etc.) - Co-location of services - Community Health Fairs bringing services to community members
FDM Site(s): Based on Focus Group Discussion with 10 participants representing the following agencies: Western Addition FRC, Portrero Hill FRC, Epiphany Center, IFR/CARECEN, APA, Homeless Prenatal Program, Good Samaritan FRC, OMI FRC, Bayview TLC FRC, San Francisco Collaborative

FA/ DRFA provide families in with emergency assistance with day pass for bus transportation as needed.FA/ DRFA help clients with finding and printing out for them appropriate bus route for client to get to their appointment.
FDM Site: Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative

Transportation is provided to clients when needed by a van owned by the Center.
FDM Site: Yreka Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

Contributing Agencies:

  • CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Western Addition FRC
  • Portrero Hill FRC
  • Epiphany Center
  • APA
  • Homeless Prenatal Program
  • Good Samaritan FRC
  • Bayview TLC FRC, San Francisco Collaborative
  • First 5, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • HUB Family Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Dunsmuir Kids’ Factory, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Happy Camp Family Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Yreka Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative