Pathway Goal 5

PROTECTIVE FACTOR: Social Connections

  • 1.0 Connect to informal community supports
  • 1.1 Work with families to identify system gaps

1.0 Connect to informal community supports

Social connections make neighborhoods more stable by engaging residents. Community policing and neighborhood-building activities promote neighborhood safety. Parents connect to friends, family members, neighbors, and other members of the community who provide emotional support and concrete resources. Because social isolation is so strongly connected to child maltreatment, it is important for parents to have a network of people with whom they can vent their frustrations, and have conversations about the joys of parenting.

Assess need and make refer to specific informal support groups in the community such as: Women’s Empowerment Group at CALM Big Brother/ Big Sister at Family Resource Center School mentors/ tutors programs Churches and places of worship Domestic violence family groups at CALM Parent project in high schools
FDM Site: CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Agency coordinates health fairs three times a year to provide community resource information to families in the community. Connect parents to parent education programs in the community provided by CALM, FRC- Santa Maria Healthy Start, Dorothy Jackson Centers, Care-Net, Safe Care and County of Santa Barbara. Refer clients to Domestic Violence Solutions Support Groups.
FDM Site: Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We collaborate with, and engage in, a variety of different activities with local and county agencies, schools, churches, support groups, etc. We are always available to anyone who walks in to our Family Resource Center seeking assistance, services, and/or information. We promote and invite parents and clients to all of the community events where they can gather valuable and useful information about community resources.
FDM Site: Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We participate in many community agencies that support family strengthening activities on an ongoing basis. We engage with our local school district, community churches and club organization groups to promote increase awareness of families/children’s needs in services needed to promote safe and stable families in our community. Parenting classes/workshops are offered monthly throughout the year at the FRC and soon a male support group will be implemented. Seasonal programs are provided through referral basis and linkages to community/county services are being conducted daily by the family advocates.
FDM Site: Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Family Advocates facilitate multiple outreach efforts to engage all families, but with special attention to those families in isolated areas. Various activities are health throughout the year to promote parent involvement. Parents who have attended our workshops or parent education classes have established connections to each other. We currently have a former school teacher from Mexico teaching another fellow parent who is illiterate to read and write in her native language. In creating a safe and accessible environment for families social connections thrive.
FDM Site: Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

Through our HIPPY Program we provide a monthly socialization group where parents learn about community resources, parenting skills while having the opportunity to engage with one another and build a support network. We host an annual community Children’s Festival and Family Health Faire of which over 650 community members participate each year, and various community workshops, such as self- defense, and budgeting workshops, where families have opportunities to network.
FDM Site: Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Participate in planning and coordinating community-wide social events, festivals, etc. elementary school, churches, university student groups and other community-based groups. Provide agency-sponsored activities such as BBQ’s, holiday events, etc. Active Family Council promotes parent leadership and involvement, room parents, fundraising events and other activities to promote informal supports. ESL class participants often organize events outside class to foster friendships in FRC.
FDM Site: Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We collaborate with, and engage in, a variety of different activities with local and county agencies, schools, churches, support groups, etc. We are always available to anyone who walks in to our Family Resource Center seeking assistance, services, and/or information. We promote and invite parents and clients to all of the community events where they can gather valuable and useful information about community resources.
FDM Sites: Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

FRC’s serve as a for parents to come together and socialize Provide parent education support groups Community members offer their expertise and skills at FRC’s (e.g. Mother/Daughter baking class Teenage pregnant/parenting teens have a space to come together to share their stories
FDM Site: Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We engage in several different activities with many agencies, schools, Churches, Support Groups etc. We provide Family Dinners and Community Dinners, We have parenting activities on going all year long. We have Holiday Events that are open to our entire communities. We are always available to have our ears bent by anyone who walks in our FRC. As we say, “The coffee is always on”
FDM Site: Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

All FRCs offer community strengthening activities including Family Fun Events, community garden, parent support groups, and drop in play groups, story times, and other community focused fairs, events and programs
FDM Site: First 5, Siskiyou Collaborative

Community events and celebrations Cultural celebrations/Holiday celebrations Weekly groups, family events, and Movie Nights - Parent Leadership Groups, Parent Advisory Councils - Community Field trips - Community bake sales; Distribution of Community Events Calendars and Resource Guides - - Speakers on community topics (violence, health, PEACE March); - Inter-cultural workshops and community conversations - Health Fairs
FDM Site(s): Based on Focus Group Discussion with 10 participants representing the following agencies: Western Addition FRC, Portrero Hill FRC, Epiphany Center, IFR/CARECEN, APA, Homeless Prenatal Program, Good Samaritan FRC, OMI FRC, Bayview TLC FRC, San Francisco Collaborative

Promote events through flyers. One employee gave an example of having the group of people attending a Family Fun Night sing “happy birthday” to a man who didn’t really have anyone else. He was very touched, and this shows that even small displays of kindness can make a difference.
FDM Site: Dunsmuir Kids’ Factory, Siskiyou Collaborative

Corbin’s Differential Response Parent Educator encourages and promotes extracurricular activities for the children and/or families within the community; i.e. sports for the children, church activities, parent support groups and other family oriented activities offered in the community for families to connect and network within the community. Corbin Family Resource Center holds monthly Roundtable Meetings by inviting diverse community organizations and agencies to present and share their upcoming events and services offered to the community. These meetings are a great opportunity to learn about new innovative programs and activities that can benefit our clients. Our Community Action Committee has a great impact in our community by identifying child abuse and domestic violence, approaching their neighbors in distress and connecting them to resources offered at Corbin FRC. FA/DRFA and Information and Resource Specialist attend monthly trainings through Families and Children Together (FaCT) where they learn about interesting topics and get information about upcoming events and resources that will help the community.
FDM Site: Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative

Host annual Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners that are free of charge Host Family Fun Nights for Happy Camp and the surrounding communities
FDM Site: Happy Camp Family Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

Family Advocate Program—one-on-one time to talk about problems and goals, with the emphasis on strengthening and supporting families and individuals, many times the advocate will informally connect a parent who’s “been there, done that”. For example, it’s much more effective for us to connect a family with another family involved in the system that have received their children back from CPS removal, or connect 2 folks who’ve been to jail and have them mentor and support each other.
FDM Site: Yreka Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

1.1 Work with families to identify system gaps

As a result of the case management process, families and workers exchange information regarding the effectiveness of existing services and where services don’t exist. This Intervention serves two purposes: it supports families in problem solving and advocating for themselves as well as informing both public and private agencies about the efficacy of existing services.

ASK: What have you tried before? Where have you gone for help? What worked and what didn’t work?
FDM Site: CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative

We educate our clients on services that our agency offers and community resources available to them based on their needs. We have also seen our clients advocating for their friends, family, and neighbors.
FDM Site: Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We strive to bring services and resources to the Cuyama Valley. We promote self-sufficiency of the parents we work with, and encourage them to advocate for themselves, their children, and their community as well. We educate parents on the resources available to them through their community and county.
FDM Site: Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Through case management and community in-services, staff assists families in identifying barriers to local or county services families need. Ongoing program presentations are being conducted to many local community groups and organizations that provide information to what resources are being provided for family stability from the FRC’s and other county projects.
FDM Site: Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

When gaps are identified or the effectiveness of existing services is questionable, staff engage the families directly to provide empowerment and promote problem solving. Staff has facilitated focus groups to identify barriers to chronic problems experienced by our population such as obesity, poor oral health, and access to health care. Families are encouraged by staff to advocate for their needs in the school system by participating in the PTA.
FDM Site: Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

We have our case management families complete a satisfaction questionnaire as well as document any service that we are not able to provide for our families. We report on this feedback to at our monthly Advisory Board which consists of agencies that provide services to our community and community parents. We also work with families on developing their own case management plan and provide services they are seeking as well as review matrix outcomes to work on areas that they score low in.
FDM Site: Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Families provide input at least annually through written evaluation survey and informal sessions. Parents participate in Family Council and through parent reps on Board of Directors. Community Network evaluates effectiveness of coordination and collaboration of services twice annually.
FDM Site: Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborative

We work hard to educate our clients and community with what services we offer and what resources are available throughout our community and county as a whole. We promote self-sufficiency amongst our clients and encourage them to advocate for themselves.
FDM Sites: Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative

FDM assessment identifies needs and service gaps and work with families to address needs and/or barriers Focus groups are conducted to identify needs Staff empower clients to serve on community, school boards and other decision making body’s FRC staff inform clients about their rights as consumers FRC staff advocate on behalf of clients to create systems that are accessible Weekly case management, FRC discuss emerging issues and trends with families. Director will work within existing collaborative to address system gaps.
FDM Site: Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative

Educating people with what services we offer and what resources are available in our community. We also sort out people that are abusing the system.
FDM Site: Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

Currently MHSA funds are the only source for case management at all FRCs. There are some information case management strategies in most FRCs
FDM Site: First 5, Siskiyou Collaborative

Parent Leadership Groups/Parent Advisory Council Parent Focus Groups Evaluation Surveys and Client Satisfaction Surveys - San Francisco Family Support Network Participant Assessment of Program - One-to-one case management meetings
FDM Site(s): Based on Focus Group Discussion with 10 participants representing the following agencies: Western Addition FRC, Portrero Hill FRC, Epiphany Center, IFR/CARECEN, APA, Homeless Prenatal Program, Good Samaritan FRC, OMI FRC, Bayview TLC FRC, San Francisco Collaborative

Surveyed people about what they like/dislike about the center, what services they should offer (helping to find the gap), circle which programs you would be interested in,
FDM Site: Dunsmuir Kids’ Factory, Siskiyou Collaborative

As a collaborative, Corbin has identified gaps in services such as substance abuse prevention and treatment programs and has been addressing this need by working in collaboration with the California Family Resource Association (CFRA) to bring attention to this area on a policy level related to the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). Teaching our community to navigate the educational system has been another project Corbin has been involved in. Cal State Long Beach offered our CAC members the opportunity to learn important tools and resources to help their family seek higher education and advocate for their children. Two of our CAC members have participated and came back to share the valuable information they learned with other CAC member that were unable to attend.
FDM Site: Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative

FDM, Case Management and the Mental Health Services Act all collect information to identify gaps in services and service delivery, while at the same time do not supplant or duplicate services
FDM Site: Yreka Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative

Contributing Agencies:

  • CALM (Child Abuse Listening & Mediation), Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Community Action Commission Family Youth Services, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Dorothy Jackson Family Resource Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Family Service Agency Santa Barbara & The Main School Collaborative Carp (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Guadalupe Family Services Center and Senior Center, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Santa Maria Healthy Start and Santa Maria Youth & Family Center (2 separate agencies), Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People, Santa Barbara Collaborative
  • Western Addition FRC
  • Portrero Hill FRC
  • Epiphany Center
  • APA
  • Homeless Prenatal Program
  • Good Samaritan FRC
  • Bayview TLC FRC
  • San Francisco Collaborative
  • First 5, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • HUB Family Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Weed Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Dunsmuir Kids’ Factory, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Happy Camp Family Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Yreka Community Resource Center, Siskiyou Collaborative
  • Corbin Family Resource Center, Orange Collaborative