A Conference Focused on Prevention and the Pathway to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect

The Institute for Community Collaborative Studies (ICCS) held an Office of Child Abuse Prevention funded conference focused on Prevention and the Pathway to the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. This event held place at California State University, Monterey Bay and was co-sponsored by Strategies.

This conference shared knowledge from two of our country’s most respected educators, researchers and program innovators, Lisbeth Schorr (Harvard University) and Larry W. Green (University of California, San Francisco).They presented their vision of prevention principles to stimulate program strategies and innovations, so you can apply them in your community.

Special workshops were created to present the work of leading research, policy and program designers who will address issues of minority youth and over-representation, and goals of strengthening families and children, family economic success and community wellness, all areas that contribute to prevention.

Additionally, the Pathway to the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect developed at Harvard University by Vicky Marchand and Lisbeth Schorr is presented with goal-oriented workshops facilitated by ICCS and Strategies. These workshops provided goal-directed outcomes, researched practices and action ideas for developing program and countywide prevention plans.

Please read below to download information on the presentations and workshops.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Prevention materials and Public Service Announcements were collected from various national agencies across the country.

Below is a compilation of the PSAs used for Day 1 of the conference.

Day1-PSAs.mov ( Available in QuickTime Only)

Plenary Speaker: Larry W. Green, “Community Health and Prevention”
Plenary Speaker: Lisbeth Schorr, “Children, Youth and Prevention” Harvard University.
Plenary Speaker: LeeAnn Kelly, "Statewide Initiatives and Prevention Programs" Office of Child Abuse Prevention, Department of Social Services.
Prevention Workshops:
"Minority Youth and Over-Representation"
Culturally Competent, Family-Centered Practice: Iowa's Youth and Families Initiative
Brad Richardson, Kellee McCrory
National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice, University of Iowa
Race/Ethnic Disproportionality and Disparity in California's Child Welfare System
Barbara Needell
Center for Social Services Research, UC Berkeley
“Protecting Children by Strengthening Families”
Kate Stepleton
Center for the Study of Social Policy, Washington DC
“Protecting Children by Strengthening Families”
Charlyn Harper-Browne
Center for the Study of Social Policy, Washington DC
“Restoring Balance: Community Owned Wellness”
Beverly Calderon
California Indian Health Services
“Family Economic Success”
Geoff Biggs

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Below is a compilation of the PSAs used for Day 2 of the conference.

Day2-PSAs.mov ( Available in QuickTime Only)

Plenary Speaker: Vicky Marchand, “Pathway to the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect" Senior Associate, Pathways Mapping Initiative.
Plenary Speaker: Jerry Endres, "Prevention Outcomes in California" Institute for Community Collaborative Studies, California State University Monterey
Pathways Workshops:
Pathway Goal : Children and youth are nurtured, safe, and engaged
Pathway Goal : Families are strong and connected
Pathway Goal : Communities are caring and responsible
Pathway Goal : Identified families access services and supports
Pathway Goal : Families are free from substance abuse and mental illness
Pathway Goal : Vulnerable communities have capacity to respond

Pathways workshops were facilitated by:

  • Jerry Endres
    Institute for Community Collaborative Studies
    California State University Monterey bay
  • Annette Marcus
  • Judi Sherman

Special Thanks - ICCS would like to give a special thanks to the following agencies/organizations who participated in the display booths and who donated information resources to support the prevention initiative:

  • Center for the Study of Social Policy, Chicago, IL
  • Civicorps Academy, Oakland, CA
  • Family Together, Santa Cruz, CA
  • Family to Family, Salinas CA
  • Masters of Public Policy (CSUMB), Seaside, CA
  • Monterey County Rape Crisis Center, Monterey, CA
  • San Bernardino County Dept. Behavioral Health/ Alcohol and Drug Services, San Bernardino, CA
  • Strategies, Paradise, CA