Training and Technical Assistance

Matrix Training Plan

Currently agencies complete a contract with Matrix Outcomes Model, LLC specifically designed to provide the technical assistance and training necessary for orientation, design, case management training, and collection and analysis of data. The outcome at the end of the project is to institutionalize the Matrix into service components and to use the data to make programmatic decisions. The Matrix model as currently structured is used as a base to accomplish the following objectives and tasks:

Customize the base Matrix Model

Working with the design team we identify specific categories and indicators. Agencies validate the indicators with clients and workers to make certain the measures are relevant and "family friendly." We establish inter-rater reliability using case studies to achieve scoring consistency.

Train staff to use the Matrix with clients

The training sessions cover the following topics: overview of the Matrix model; conducting an interview with the Matrix for continuous assessments of client status levels; support the strengths of families; data procedure, codes and data entry.

Training Sessions

A comprehensive training manual is provided for all staff using the Matrix

Objective 1: Overview of Matrix Outcomes Model

  • Demonstration of how it works; reflection on first-time experience
  • Differences between outcome accountability vs. services and resources provision
  • Principles of outcomes measurement; benefits of outcome measurement
  • Role of outcomes in agency strategic planning and as an evaluation tool

Objective 2: Select Matrix categories that are appropriate to client population

  • Indicators from the database
  • Validity test to revise indicators appropriate with client population
  • Reliability test to establish consistency of scoring indicators
  • Revision of Matrix model based on validity and reliability tests and pilot test

Objective 3: Training staff to use the Matrix

  • Introducing an assessment
  • Family support and empowerment principles/practices
  • Conducting an assessment
  • Case management and family participation standards
  • Agency protocol

Objective 4: Appropriate data collection

  • Client codes
  • Staff procedures for entering data into database
  • Reporting, analysis and presentation; tracking through charting

Objective 5: Establishment of policy and procedures for utilizing the Matrix model for assessment and data collection

  • Reports for families and other clients
  • Role clarification of supervisor, case manager, counselor, family worker/advocate, and clerical staff in use of Matrix data
  • Reports for funders, boards and community
  • Maintaining Matrix standards for assessment, case management and data collection
  • Written procedures and establishment of timed sequences for data collection
  • Improving case management practices using the Matrix data
  • Continuing case reviews and presentations to integrate Matrix proficiency with using data
  • Aggregation of Matrix data for agency strategic planning